Saturday 1 June 2013

Les doutes et la vie d'une bureaucrate...

Since we last spoke, I have actually heard from Assas! Yay! In fact, I am drastically more informed than I was just over a week ago, since I have not only heard from Assas but I've also been to a meeting at my own university about all the forms and agreements and bits of paper that I have to sign.

There's SO much of it! I'm not surprised, to be honest, but there is something inherently depressing about the sight of a million bits of paper which all need your attention. As frustrated as I was with the lack of information, I'm now more glad, because at least I got my exams out of the way beforehand!

Plus there's the fact that all the information from France is (quel surprise!) in French. Obviously, I know that from September my French is going to be put into practice on a daily basis. To be honest, that's a large part of the reason that I'm going - having been taught French in one way or another since I was 4 and a half (really) I decided in the middle of doing my UCAS application that there wasn't much more that I was going to get out of a classroom and that really, I needed to take myself off to France and use my language skills.

There's a flip side to the benefits, though. That flip side is that if there is a part of me that lacks self confidence, its my belief in my language skills. To be fair, I wouldn't have got this far if I wasn't capable of it, so I know that I'm being irrational, but there's always that tiny bit of doubt.

So the next few weeks for me are inevitably going to involve a French dictionary, a lot of French practice (for my own peace of mind, so I don't get rusty over the summer) and my first taste of the red tape I have been told abounds over the channel.

It's a good place to start I suppose. Happy June everyone!

Vicky xx

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