Wednesday 28 May 2014

Examens, mon dieu!

Once again, it's that time of year. Exams are upon us :(

The past few weeks have seen me permanently stationed at the dining room table in our apartment, surrounded by paper, pens, empty water bottles, packets of crisps and textbooks of varying thickness. Sound familiar?

And as of this afternoon, I am two exams (the two worst ones, as well) down; three to go. They went okay I suppose, or as well as they could have gone. I'm just counting down the hours until the revision and the exams end for another year (it is very hard to revise for exams when you know that all the facts are working against you. Queen Mary is requiring a higher pass standard of us than Assas requires of its students who are actually french, despite several unhappy emails I have sent in their direction to see if this is something that could be changed. They've not been the most supportive this year, and it is very disenheartening to know you're being set up to lose.)

Of course, there's been the odd hours of procrastination, and the like, which to be perfectly honest, is the only reason that this particular blog post exists. I'm sure none of you care about my exams, but writing this post gets me another ten minutes out of trawling through the delights of french communications law. Joy. 

On top of which, I'm exhausted, and my lips hurt due to my unfortunate habit of chewing on them when stressed. Honestly, you'd think I'd be used to it all by now - exams have been part of my life since I moved into the upper school and started my GCSE's when I was 14 (and I'm 21 now!), but I have to admit that the usual exam stress has hit me harder than usual this year, both now and back in January. I think it is probably because with the language difference, everything is taking twice as long to sink in, and I've been worrying that I'll run out of revision time and fail everything. Call me overdramatic, but there we go. I've always been a touch that way about exams.

And in any case, a year abroad can't be all fun and games, I suppose.

Having said that, I must immediately contradict myself (yay!). Today is exactly one month until my Parisian adventure comes to an end, and I've absolutely crammed my last few weeks here with things to do. I'm going to be all over the place. After all, it's my very last chance to get everything done that I want to do, and so I'm going to be busy, busy, busy. It all starts this Sunday - I'm taking a day out of my revision schedule so that Parisa and I can go to Roland Garros, which is exciting! :)

Expect lots and lots of blogging!

Vicky xx

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