Saturday 19 April 2014

Pâques, coupes de cheveux et la famille...

This post is a little out of the norm - this is a year abroad blog, after all, and I'm not abroad right now - it was for that reason that I didn't bother to post when I was home for Christmas or anything like that. But I feel like sharing, so a post is going up anyway :)

For the first time in a little over three months, I'm home and back with my family, which is really just so very lovely, because in all honesty I was getting to the stage where I was about to tip into full mental breakdown if I didn't have a break of some description! And obviously, I missed them and my friends.

Next time I'm in the UK, my time in Paris will be over ...

I've already been here a week! I had an early morning flight out of Orly last Saturday morning, which was just perfect really because I was home and cup of tea in hand by 11am. Downside - I had an exam until 10pm the night before which did mean I was pretty tired, but luckily, getting to go home offset my rubbish sleep deprived mood haha. 

What have I been doing now I'm here? The biggest thing would have to be my haircut - a few weeks back, I decided to donate my hair to the Little Princess Trust - - they're a charity who provide real hair wigs, free of charge, to children across the UK who have lost their hair as a result of chemotherapy. Anyone who watched Comic Relief last year might remember that Jessie J had her head shaved - she donated her hair to the same charity.

This was actually a pretty big deal for me, because as anyone who knows me could tell you, I'm pretty attached to my long hair, and whenever I go to the hairdresser, cutting my locks short simply wasn't an option.

Nu-uh, no way josé.

But then I saw a video on YouTube of someone else who had decided to do it, and I googled the charity...

Fact is, when I was seven, and even now for that matter, I know that if I were to lose my hair for whatever reason, I'd be utterly devastated. I thought about it - a lot. Long story short: as my hair is [was] very long, I had plenty of it to go around. My hair also grows faster than anybody's, so it's not even like my hair will be that short for long.

So - I talked myself into it and decided to share the hair love. I got the chop. Here's the before, during and after:

My hair has not been this short since I was about 3 years old - seriously - so it would have been pretty devastating if I hadn't liked it. Luckily, I actually don't mind my short new do, although I already know that I'm going to grow it long again. I prefer it that way, and there's a lot more you can do with long hair than short. I've also realised, since I washed it for the first time, that short hair actually takes work. I thought it would be more manageable now, but nope!  

Still, never mind - that's my good deed of the month taken care of and I'm feeling pretty good about it.

Easter Sunday is tomorrow [Happy Easter, if you celebrate it] and the rest of my time at home is going to be spent in the company of my textbooks [booooooooo] and my family - I've had a few lovely days out, at Gunwharf Quays in Portsmouth, and elsewhere too.

Yesterday, of course, was Good Friday. We were planning to go and see my Nan and Grandad in Essex but then my Dad had to have an operation so that was off the cards. Me, the mother and brother went to see my other Grandma for the day instead, and we also went to see the new Muppet Movie :P

And being Good Friday, I've obviously been scoffing lots of Hot Cross Buns. One of the best parts about being home is the lovely large quantity of food that I've missed while in Paris - and I'll be stocking up before I head back to France next Sunday!

Vicky xx

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